This interview is the long-form version of a conversation about blockchain, audit and business consulting, and how they are changing in the future with Marco Grossi, Director at Deloitte Switzerland.


Clips from the interview

Blockchain and the Big Four
“Audit was on paper, now it’s digital with analytics. We need better awareness of programming. We need new capabilities.”

The real world and virtual world
“I am combining the virtual world, where people hear about the potential of blockchain, and the real world. This has benefits to aviation, logistics, and many other industries.”

A driver of growth
“Blockchain allows companies to grow in another way. Process-driven.”

Skills for the future
“We will need to be able to write a code for machines, not just reports.”

Path to wide adoption
“When I started with computers, at some point, Windows came, and everybody used it without asking what is the code behind the mouse.”